Ed Frankel divides his time between Sonoma County in Northern California and Los Angeles where he teaches at UCLA and for Antioch University Los Angeles BA and MFA programs. His poems have appeared in numerous journals and he has published two chapbooks: When the Catfish are in Bloom: Requiem For John Fahey and People of the Air, which won the New American Chapbook prize in 2008. He won first place prizes and awards in the 2015 Dogwood Journal of Poetry and Prose Competition, The 2010 Little Red Tree International Poetry Competition, the 2009 New Millennium Poetry Competition, the 2006 Winning Writers War Poetry competition, the Hackney National Poetry competition 2006, and the 2003 Confluence Poetry competition. He was nominated three times for the Pushcart Best of the Small Presses Poetry Prize and the California Book Award and was invited to read at the Strokestown International Poetry festival in Ireland. He can be contacted at efrankel45@gmail.com.